Step Back in Time at Barnes Store

This is the Barnes Bros. Store run by W.L. Barnes and his brother Almer after they had moved across the street. Almer continued to run the store after W.L. passed away in 1914. Almer’s son, Harold, began helping at the store at some time. The store was eventually sold to a close relative J.E. Fischer

Here is a little bit more background on the Barnes family’s business and adjoining properties.


This building once stood where Crazy Reds business is now. Its not known when it was built, but it was torn down by 1920. 


W. L. Barnes and his brother, Almer Barnes had a grocery and dry goods store in the right part, and Dr. Smith Hobbs and his son, Nicholas, had their office in the two story section at the left. 


Looking at the posts holding the porch up, especially the left one, would make one to think twice about walking underneath. The left one was actually two posts nailed together. Apparently there had been an accident and it was damaged. There is another photo showing the post in one piece. The Barnes’ moved their business across the street afterwards. The men standing in front are E. T. McAfee and the venerable Bert Hall, who seemed to be everywhere a photo was being taken. Almer Barnes eventually became president of the Peoples Bank of Mt. Washington