Justice Rutledge Threlkeld House

This was the home for many of Mt. Washington’s most prestigious citizens including Dr. George Threlkeld, who was one of the earliest owners and had a beautiful rose garden in the back yard.


Hon. Wiley B. Rutledge lived there with his grandmother, Georgia Wiggington, when he was young. He became Assistant Justice of the U. S. Supreme Court and served from 1943 to 1949. 


Jack Barnes, president of the Mt. Washingtons People’s Bank (1950-54, and 1960-68) later purchased the property. Athol B. Taylor then bought the property. He was Circuit Judge of Bullitt Co. for several years.



Senior favorites photo’s were taken in and out of the home in the 1969 Mt. Washington High School annual. It shows a great photo of the huge dairy barn behind the house. It also had a small guest house behind it.

Pictured Left: Another view of the Rutledge Threlkheld House



Lower Left: Hon. Wiley B. Rutledge who started his career as a lawyer and was later appointed as Assistant Justice of the 

U. S. Supreme Court and served from 1943 to 1949

Pictured Right: Dr. George Threlkheld (1874-1951) was native to the area and lived in the home in the 1920 and 30’s and possibly earlier. Besides being a wonderful physician, he also took pride in his garden behind his home. Not only was he a mason, he was also a patriotic man, helping in war time as a physician. Dr. Threlkheld was buried in The Mount Washington Cemetery