Maccabee Hall



In 1906, on this site, the Fraternal Order of Maccabees began construction of the depicted three story building called Tent #3 under the supervision of Q.A. King. 


Maccabee Hall soon became the centerpiece of the community. The first floor included a restaurant, clothing store, doctors office and barber shop.  The second floor was used exclusively for public gatherings.  It was here where locals presented plays, political candidates spoke and local and professional talent entertained, including singer and actor Gene Autry, in 1935. The third floor provided office space for the Maccabee’s Business use and meetings.  


Tragically, on the night of Nov. 18, 1940 a fire broke out on the first floor and the building was a total loss. 



Although Shepherdsville, Taylorsville, Bardstown and Bloomfield had theatres for relatively small towns, Maccabee Hall was the closest thing Mt. Washington had.



This is a flyer announcing the showing of a film from WWI called “Over There” and even touts special music and sound effects. Movies were also shown outdoors during the summer on the side wall of Maccabee Hall.